Food origin of plants as an anthelmitting agent
Onion, Garlic, Radish

Summer squash
Home Care Method: Rules for Use
- It is optimal to use drugs and the secret of "grandmother" at the same time. Complex therapy on parasitic worms gives the strongest effect and will allow you to very quickly overcome this disease.
- Worm parasites do not have a fever, so medicine at home recommends using drugs that are burned for therapy: ginger, garlic, pepper, radish, cloves, etc.
- The most effective ways to be tested for centuries are herbs, walnuts and pumpkin seeds, garlic onions, and pumpkin and linen oil.
- The optimal journey of healing and enema against worms is 10-14 days. After a few days, the course can be repeated.
- Before using therapeutic enema, it is necessary to make ordinary cleaning. For infants, enema that tends to be contraindicated for less than three years.
Recipe for Traditional Medicine for Treatment of Worms and Parasites
Battle broth

Pumpkin seeds

Garlic against worms in children and adults

Herbal Mixed Healing

Ascorbic acid

The correct diet, as a way to fight worms
How to get rid of worms with people's medicine is the most popular recipe
- 3 parts of the circle crust, 2 parts of bitter worm wood and 1 part of the root root of the yellow bitterness, chamomile pharmacy and tansy flowers are taken from ascaris and pine worms. Pour the mixture with boiling water with a speed of 1 cup of liquid per 1 tablespoon. Herbs. Let it be brewed at night with thermos. The medicine is drunk in the morning and at night before eating 1 glass for 3 days.
- 1 tablespoon. The roots of nine drinks in a glass of boiling water (200 ml), leave the flask for 4 hours, filter. Drink warm infusion, half a glass 2-3 times a day before eating.
- Mix 3 g cloves and worms, 2 g of the root of the knotweed, dandelion and thyme, 1 g of Peppermint and Tansy, 5 g Valerian. Spices are poured with half boiling water, insisting and drunk during the day.
- The same amount of pharmaceutical chamomile, tansy flowers, crows and oak bark brewed in boiling water and left for 7-8 hours. Materials are taken based on: 0, 5 liters of 2 tablespoons. Herbs.
- Eastern medicine knows very well how to get rid of worms with people's medicine. The recipe is simple and available for everyone: 250 g of grated ginger roots is placed in 250 ml of vodka. The container is closed and cleaned in a warm place for 2 weeks, sometimes shaking it. After the specified time, 1 teaspoon was taken. Tincture 30 minutes before eating 3 times a day. Care continues for 2 weeks. At the same time, you can make a cleaning enema every day with 2 liters. water.
Type of parasitic worms
- tape;
- round;
- Ensalmers.
- egg;
- larvae;
- mature.

- PIN worms;
- Askarides;
- Nematode;
- Trichina;
- Vlashev.
Pertarungan melawan parasit dengan cengkeh dan tansy
- Tuang satu liter air mendidih 2 sendok makan bunga tansy kering;
- Biarkan cairan untuk meresap selama satu jam, setelah ketegangan itu;
- Take the resulting infusion before eating 3 times in tapping half a glass.
Tingtur jahe
- 500 grams of the roots that are swept pour 500 ml of vodka and depart for 15 days, trembling regularly.
- Take tincture half an hour before eating 1 teaspoon three times a day.

Walnut from parasites

Clean the parasitic body - coconut

- Mix coconut chips with coconut milk.
- Store the mixture in the refrigerator (up to 2 days).
- Take 3 times a day one teaspoon before eating. If the drug is used for adults, the dose can be increased.
- Continue treatment for a week.
- Rest for 2 weeks and repeat weekly treatment courses.
Clean the body of the parasite - onion

- Grinding medium -sized bulb.
- Pour a glass of boiling water.
- Insist 12 hours.
- Strain onion and drink infusion 1/2 - 1/3 cup per day.
- The treatment course is 3-4 days.
- Diet diet. Rejection of fatty foods, fried, spicy and salty, alcohol exceptions, rational diet.
- Hygienic norms. Compliance with personal hygiene rules by all family members: Wash hands with soap before eating, daily water procedures.
- Cook. All animal products must be processed thermally, vegetables must be washed before use.
- Disinfection. After identifying worms, it is necessary to treat underwear and beds with an iron.
- Analysis Control. After the end of treatment, it is necessary to undergo all more diagnostic procedures, which allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the steps taken.
Home method
- Pumpkin seeds. They can be consumed well only in a purified form, eat two tablespoons of nucleus every day, and as part of therapeutic mass. To prepare a seed house, you must clean and fry. Grind the raw material produced and stir with the same amount of honey and one teaspoon of baking soda. This mixture after insisting for 10 days is consumed along a small spoon every morning until the invasion problem disappears.
- Bitter worm wood infusion. The grass is brewed in the proportion of one tablespoon of half liters of liquid. After insisting in the flask for several hours, the infusion is filtered and completely ready to use. It is recommended to enrich with two spoonfuls of large honey. Acceptance is made before eating three times a day in a spoon.
- Garlic. To get rid of worms, people's medicine offers simple tools. 10 Slear Plants, Peeled from the skin and sliced in large pieces, eating, washed with a glass of warm milk and not chewing.
- Herbal collection. Ingredients with anthelmot activity are wormwood, buckthorn, root with gold and calamus. After mixing all the components in the same proportion, 2 tablespoons of the mixture are poured with half a liter of boiling water and insisting at night. The finished product is advised to receive two spoons in the morning and evening for a week.
- Clean the body with cognac and castor. Before going to bed, you need to drink 100 ml of green tea with the addition of large amounts of sugar, and after 5 minutes - the same amount of delicious drinks. After 15 minutes, the reception is equipped with oil that is heated in a water bath (50 ml) and you can sleep. This procedure is implemented every day for 3-6 days. Before and after cleaning, it is recommended to eat snacks so as not to burden the body.
- Onion infusion. The recipe is simple: onions are cut into small pieces and poured with a glass of clean water at room temperature. After insisting at one night, the composition is filtered and drunk on an empty stomach.